Reminding Rhonda

Dear Mike,
How do you cope when your best is not good enough?  I'm a 37-year old female unable to have children.  I know for a fact that this hinders my relationships, other than the fact I've had some bad ones.  I know my king is out there but what man wants a woman who has been labeled by society as damaged goods?
Sincerely, Rhonda


Dear Rhonda,
Thanks for reaching out. I appreciate you message. I feel like you aren’t the only woman who gets put in a position where she begins to question her worth. You asked me “how do you know when your best isn’t good enough?” My question is: good enough for who exactly? Under no circumstances are you to EVER question your value to someone, based on what God and life has already planned for you. You being a woman, you being 37, and you not being able to have kids, are all reasons, why SOME men would find it difficult to be with you. When you put all three of these things together, it makes the job three times as harder, and also shrinks the list of candidates by 3 times. But remember Rhonda. All you need is ONE! Society is going to TRY and label you as everything from “washed up” to “damaged goods” to whatever else they may come up with in an attempt to mark a package that they haven’t opened. It is up to you and only you, to apply this label to your package.

Your king is out there for sure. Now he may be a man who also can't have kids, he may be a man with some children already. The only question is are you doing your best at finding him, or making yourself available for him to find? I have had people walk away from me, because I was too much of something, or not enough of another. It makes no difference, because anyone who isn’t “the one” is just the one in the way.

The longer you keep referring to yourself by society's labels, the longer you will remain society's prisoner. Change your thoughts, change your life.

I love you.

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