Settling Cecelia?

Dear Mike,
My name is Cecelia, and I'm a huge fan of your art! I went to a couple of your shows in the Akron, Cleveland OH areas, I think you're great! Anyhow my question to you is, I just turned 27 on 4/29 and have been single two years now. Due to situations growing up I had to overcome self-love issues, and put up with some toxic relationships in the past. Now that I'm at a place where I love focusing on myself, friends,and family, I feel so opposite to how I used to, coming from a place where I felt I needed a man to now having a, get with it or get lost type attitude (lol) but seriously I feel like I require a lot because I have a lot to offer as a woman. At 27 I feel like I'd stay happily single before I settle. Do you think that there is an age where settling is an option? Just curious.


Hello Cecelia,
First thing, thank you so much for your support of my work. I hope you enjoyed yourself. Second, I am so proud of the steps you have made as a woman, dealing with self-love and assessing your worth! Congratulations! You have completed phase 1. Now phase 2 begins. You are looking for your match. Settling to me is never an option. Why? Because who said that along with your birth certificate there was a marriage certificate?  Statistically speaking, more than 200,00 women are going to die this year without ever being married. Does this make their life any less successful? I know how bad people want love, the idea of it sounds so beautiful. What you must first understand is that it is not a right, it is a privilege. Thinking this way, will make you more appreciative when it actually comes, because it didn’t have to. In terms of asking yourself how long is too long to wait - My answer is, when you get it right.

Now here’s the thing, unless you are willing to use technology and medicine to your advantage, there is a biological clock that ticks on the inside, that may make it difficulty to wait too long, especially if you want a family. What is more important to you, a family, or the family? At 27, I think you still have time to achieve your goal on your own, but it may require more work from you in the beginning. So instead of figuring out if now is the time to “settle” figure out if now is the time to “work harder”. Meaning more dates, more men, more effort, with finding your king. Remember that nothing will work until you do. Keep up the great work, and let me know how the process is going.

I love you.

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